Bean Station Elementary Enrollment Information.
The following items must be provided to register your child for school: 
  • Child’s birth certificate (not the mother’s copy)
  • Child’s up to date Tennessee physical/immunization record
  • Parent/Guardian photo ID
  • Any custody papers if applicable
  • Proof of legal guardianship if not the parent
  • Proof of Grainger County residency
  • (mortgage statement, rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)
  • Notarized Verification of residence form (from the school district)
Due to loss of nine instructional days this semester, Grainger County Schools will adjust the second semester calendar/plan as follows:
  • The third nine week term will end on March 12 (instead of March 7)
  • Third nine-week report cards will be issued Wednesday, March 19
  • Parent Teacher Conference – Thursday, March 20  Early dismissal for students
  • Staff Development Day – Friday, March 21 (No students)
  • Spring Break following week (March 24-28)
  • 4th Nine Weeks Midterm has been moved to April 17
  • 4th  Nine Weeks Midterm Reports will be issued on April 24.

Click on the link below for information on VPK Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year


Every Child! every day! A Success!

Our Mission at Bean Station Elementary School is to assist each student in mastering academic and social learning goals at each grade level in a safe and positive environment.

The Vision of Bean Station Elementary School is to foster an environment that encourages students, teachers, and the community working together providing a safe, nurturing school where every individual can be successful.

 We believe...

 Teachers should incorporate a variety of learning activities to support various levels of multi-intelligences through curriculum, instructional practices, and educational research.

  • Assessment practices should drive teachers' instructional strategies in the classroom.
  • That every student should have an opportunity for challenging instruction and high expectations that are based on proven practices and educational research.
  • Teachers, administrators, parents and community members should al share in the decision making process.
  • Every student should feel successful everyday.
  • Students will become responsible for their own learning. enabling them to become contributive citizens.
  • It is essential to have policies in place to provide a safe, drug-free, and disciplined environment for all students, staff and community.
  • In providing educational programs that will prepare students for an ever changing technological world.